Thursday, 26 December 2013

Enzserum Testimonial 7


Customer Feedback:

Customer Feedback:

Enzserum Testimonial 6

Customer Feedback:


Customer Feedback:
每天只穿塑胶头的裤, 都不敢出街,虽然是说买大号一点的牛仔裤就可以了,可是我不喜欢穿裤穿到不舒服,有纽扣的裤会把我的肥肉全部聚在一起,很辛苦。用EnzSerum用了7天,我就开始穿有纽扣的裤了,我的肚子不再像球一样了,终于地可以瘦下来了,谢谢EnzSerum。

 Customer Feedback:


Customer Feedback:

Customer Feedback:

 Customer Feedback:
每次把大腿合在一起就像两块肥猪肉一样粘在一起,用了14天的serum之后,把大腿粘在一起的时候,中间有缝隙,终于不再像肥猪肉腿了,感谢EnzSerum ,我会继续使用的!

 Customer Feedback:

Enzserum Testimonial 5


Customer Feedback:


Customer Feedback:


Customer Feedback:
我还年轻,可是肚腩已经找上我了,经过朋友的介绍下,我认识到EnzSerum,搽了7天就有效果了,第14天的时候,肚腩就差不多要完完全全和我say bye bye了,谢谢EnzSerum让我找回青春。

Customer Feedback:


Customer Feedback:

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Enzserum Testimonial 4

 Customer Feedback:
我最不满意自己的手臂,每次穿紧身衣时,手臂夸张的大!无意间看见网上售卖的ENZ瘦身精华液,就买了一瓶试试。结果,我的手臂真的小了,而且才14天,就小了3cm也就是一寸!真的很喜欢ENZ Serum, 期待我的手臂越来越小。

 Customer Feedback:
因为时常喝啤酒的关系,肚子一直以来都是胀胀鼓鼓的。在使用了EnzSerum后,短短的五天,我的肚子竟然小了,不再那么鼓胀了。最重要的是,男生最怕麻烦了,Enz Serum太方便使用了,短短的15秒时间,皮肤就已完全吸收了。真的很满意效果!

 Customer Feedback:
在使用了两个星期的Enz Serum瘦身精华液后,我的肚子不像之前那么松松软软了,真的紧实了很多, 两边的赘肉也小了很多。 不单只这样,我肚子的妊娠纹也不见很多了,这对我们生过小孩的妈咪来说,真的太棒了!大家一定要试Enz Serum, 你一定喜欢它的效果!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

ENZSERUM Testimonial 2

Customer Feedback 顾客见证:

我擦了3天ENZ SERUM纤体精华素,肚子开始扁平,大腿的蜂窝组织也减少了.皮肤也开始有弹性没这么松弛了,真棒!!!才使用三天而已,很满意ENZ Serum带给我意想不到的效果哦!!!^^

 Customer Feedback 顾客见证:

怀孕时因为体重爆增,肚子越来越大。导致生产1年后肚子还是软软的,皮肤失去弹性. 肚腩赘肉有下垂的现象。尤其讨厌坐着时,肚腩凸出,藏也藏不住。直到朋友介绍EnzSerum,我抱着试一试的心态,怎知道使用短短的5天,我的肚子有好大的改变。软软的脂肪赘肉少了,皮肤也紧实了。没有下垂的感觉真好!现在我身边好友都使用EnzSerum帮助解决他们的赘肉烦恼!你也赶快来感受EnzSerum的威力吧~

 顾客见证 Customer Feedback:


一次使用而已,大腿内侧的肉肉就小了, 一次使用而已,大腿中间就有缝隙了~

ENZSERUM Testimonial 1

Customer Feedback 顾客见证:
我的身材虽然是偏瘦型,可是自从生了孩子后,肚皮变大了也很松懈,穿衣服也很不好看。我的男人看到我的大肚腩都摇头,因为比他肚腩还大粒。这问题困扰我很久也试过很多牌子都徒劳无功。 通过朋友的介绍接触了enz serum 瘦身液,勤劳早晚涂抹三天而已,没拍照见证的话我简直不敢相信我的肚腩已经平坦好多,连我的妊娠纹也淡化好多,真是太开心了,谢谢enz serum让我从获信心^^

 Customer Feedback 顾客见证:

上个月中,在网络买卖做生意的朋友经她介绍我ENZ SERUM瘦身精华素。先拍张之前照来见证ENZ SERUM的功效后,就开始遵从她教我的简单步骤涂抹。喜欢ENZ SERUM在抹后快吸收外,肚子也有收紧的感觉,15分钟照镜发现开始有腰型了^^
搽完后没有刺痛热的感觉,让我做家务的过程都不觉得黏蹋蹋,冰凉的感觉还很轻松舒服呢!7天后拍照发现我的腰型已经出来了,圆滚滚的肚腩也开始消下来没这么肿胀,真是太神奇了!谢谢ENZ SERUM,我会持续使用!让我值得与你们分享ENZ SERUM的神奇功效!!!

Customer Feedback:

大女儿通过网上推荐的ENZ SERUM纤体精华素,购买后就决定开始我的纤体计划!!擦了的第四天,感觉ENZ SERUM 帮助紧致我腹部松弛的皮肤,让我开始相信ENZ SERUM 纤体精华素的神奇功效,就再接再励继续使用它!!到了第十天,我的腹部肌肉已经平坦好多,连腰型也出来了,真是太开心了!!!ENZ SERUM 纤体精华素让我重获信心,有了它,我也不会再抗拒穿紧身的衣服啦:)

Customer Feedback 顾客见证:
我的工作是名书记,长期坐着用电脑打字,又加上少运动的关系,累积出来个难看的肚腩.偶然上网看到ENZ serum瘦身液的广告,决定买来试用!才试了一天,我就爱上它!!!抹上去按摩不到5秒,转眼间就渗透皮肤,令人惊叹!!!,完全没油腻的感觉,摸上去肌肤也好滑哦!15分钟后用量身带量腰围,惊人发现腰围小了0.5cm!!!谢谢ENZ SERUM带给我的惊喜,只用了三天,肚子紧实了许多,我会继续使用ENZ SERUM 期待它带给我更多的惊喜哦!;-)


顾客见证 Customer Feedback:

大家应该都知道最困难瘦的部位是后腰那2块凸出来的赘肉和肚腩吧!身位Office Girl, 每天8个小时都必须坐着对电脑办公事。赘肉只会越来越大~ 每天都带着“游泳圈”出门,好痛苦。直到我在网上买到EnzSerum, 我的生活心态改变了好多~ 因为陪伴我几年的“游泳圈"尽然在我使用EnzSerum 2个星期后就不见了!我终于拥有腰的曲线和平坦的小腹!我身边家人朋友简直不敢相信只需1瓶EnzSerum纤体精华液, 就可以得到这么好的效果!让我重拾自信心~现在我的朋友圈,每个人都有EnzSerm呢!非常推荐跟我一样是OL的你,一定要试试EnzSerum哦!

Why Choosing Enzserum?

Trim your fat & Shape your body

ENZSERUM is designed to give you a feminine appeal by offering a comprehensive slimming action: activates microcirculation, prevents the formation of fat deposited on topical body, reduces odema and lightens cellulite. This outstanding slimming serum consists of potent and powerful active ingredients, including Nano Tech PEN Enzyme, collagen, caffeine, aescin, L-carnitine, vitamin E and a blend of herbal extracts for maximum slimming effect. In addition, ENZSERUM has utilised the most advanced technology to minimise those ingredients in a smaller size – nanotechnology. With this perfect match, ENZSERUM not only effectively slimming down your body, it also solves various skin problems such as cellulite appearance and water retention. Besides this, it is also moisturises, smoothes, and makes the skin more elastic.

The principle behind ENZSERUM with nanotechnology
Nowadays, a wide range of nanostructures have been proposed as delivery mechanisms for cosmetic ingredients in skincare products in order to show its efficacy in delivering the active ingredient to the skin cells. Among all the nanomaterials, lipid nanoparticles are particularly effective as they can merge with the lipid bilayer in cell membranes, facilitating the delivery of compounds which would otherwise not be able to enter the cell. They provide the additional benefit of being totally non-toxic and biocompatible.

The serum is able to reach into the fat layer under the skin due to the nanotechnology enhancement, therefore able to soften stubborn fat and later cause the breakdown fat, particularly the fat around the tummy. It can also reduce oedema as well as lighten up cellulite, which in turn firms up loose fat texture on body part and gives the user a smooth and supple skin.

Therefore, by integrating the powerful active ingredients with nanotechnology, ENZSERUM can work effectively to release the thermogenic compounds and prevent the formation and deposition of fat in your body. Furthermore, from the heat of the regular massage, our body is conducive to increasing the effect of ENZSERUM by accelerating the metabolism in the target area and provokes lipolysis. Consequently, ENZSERUM has achieved its commitment to you, which is

‘Trim your fat & Shape your body’.

2 in 1 slimming treatment

1. Trim your fat
Intensely stimulates the fat burning process and effectively combats cellulite.

2. Shape your body
Slim the silhouette and models waist, arms, thighs and buttocks.



 为何选用 SERUM(精华液), 因为它的分子密度高于一般 CREAM(护肤霜),GEL(凝胶)达 5 倍以上。

ENZSERUM 有着令人惊讶的效果及功效。再加入高科技“纳米技术” 使其能够迅速在 15 秒内完全渗透至皮肤下的脂肪层,软化顽固脂肪,促进脂肪分解,减轻水肿,消除蜂窝主织,收紧脂肪纹,淡化妊辰纹。 为用户提供一个光滑,水嫩,紧实及附弹性的肌肤。

ENZSERUM 瘦身精华液 减少体内的脂肪,塑造你的理想身段 ~ 不需按摩,不油腻,不热辣,每天只需3分钟。

ENZSERUM 好处:先进纳米技术,快速吸收,消除顽固脂肪和橘皮组织,激活皮肤微循环,防止脂肪沉积,消除蜂窝主织,淡化妊辰纹,促进血液循环,滋润皮肤及排毒。





















ENZ SERUM Ingredient

Collagen is a powerful long-term anti-ageing protein which improves the skin tone; and helps to achieve a glowing radiant and more youthful complexion. It plays a vital role in weight management by increasing the fat metabolism. Collagen causes skin present firmer and suppler by providing support for fibroblasts. It has an excellent water-binding capacity, thus contributing to skin hydration. Collagen stimulates revitalisation processes, deeply regenerates and improves skin texture. Moreover, collagen also improves the skin’s firmness, elasticity and smoothness, as well as making cellulite less visible.

It has a proven lipolytic effect that blocks the enzyme responsible for release of fat into the blood stream where it is used as energy during exercise. It also improves blood circulation, thereby aiding the elimination of toxins.

It naturally present in horse chestnut seeds which can improve their resistance to breakage and to plasma exudates that lead to oedema. Aescin also suppresses inflammations that damage blood vessels. By reducing blood viscosity, aescin facilitates its flow and preventing venous clots.

Centella asiatica extract
It stimulates fibroblasts to synthesise collagen and elastin in order to improve the skin’s suppleness and elasticity, making the cellulite effect less noticeable. Centella extract also enhances skin moisture levels and firmness, since it intensifies the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Furthermore, this extract has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects when used externally.

Butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) extract
It improves blood flow, enhances blood vessel elasticity and inhibits inflammation. Owing to its ability to strengthen and seal of blood vessels, the stimulation of lymph flow limits exudates to the surrounding tissues, hence, reduces oedema and increases the elimination of toxins.

Ivy (Hedera helix) extract
Ivy extract has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, draining, tightening and astringent properties. It stimulates blood pressure and activates lymph withdrawal. Such activity makes it easier for its active compounds to reach the places where fat is deposited, meanwhile enhancing absorption and toxin or water elimination.

It is an essential compound in fatty acid metabolisms that transports long-chain fatty acids to mitochondria, whilst removing the excessive quantities of toxic in mitochondria. L-carnitine is an effective antioxidant, and therefore has a demonstrated protective effect on blood vessels.

Borago Officinalis Seed Oil
Borago officinalis seed oil is especially recommended for dry, cracked and peeling skin. It contains large amounts of essential fatty acids (EFAs), which is an essential component of the human epidermis. It soothes all irritations and promotes skin regeneration, preventing its premature ageing. Due to its unique composition, it regulates skin moisture levels, softens the epidermis, and reduces tissue tension and related itching.

Vitamin E
Owing to its antioxidant property, Vitamin E is recommended for all types of skin. It scavenges the free radicals that damage the skin’s structure, thus preventing premature skin ageing. In addition, it provides protection against dryness of the epidermis, and prevents any weakening of its elasticity and firmness. The anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties of vitamin E create favourable conditions for tissue renewal.

Nano Tech PEN Enzymes
The nanotechnology enhanced enzyme mixtures have a higher permeability and enable it to be absorbed more rapid by the skin. These modifications help the enzymes to penetrate through the skin faster and break down stubborn fat layers under the skin. The active enzymes act against the fat layers, ‘digesting’ and removing it thereafter the process, effectively reducing the body mass in the process. Since the enzymes are extracted from natural sources, it is relatively safe and will not exhibit any side effects even in pro-long usages.



ENZSERUM 的配方能够提供全面的瘦身效果:激活皮肤的微循环,防止脂肪沉积在身体局部位,去除水肿和减轻脂肪累计在沉积在身体各部位,让你更能凸显 出女人的魅力。这独特的用品拥有强而有力的活性成分,包括纳米科技PEN酶,胶原蛋白,咖啡因,七叶皂甙钠,L-肉碱,维生素E和中药提取物的混合,以达到更好的减肥效果。此外,ENZSERUM使用了最先进的技术- 纳米技术,将活性成分缩小。与此完美的配搭,ENZSERUM不仅有效地减少身体的脂肪,也可以解决各种皮肤问题,如皮肤的如橘皮外观和蜂窝主织。除此之外,它也是有滋润,光滑,使皮肤更有弹性的功能。

- 能快速吸收
- 先进的纳米技术
- 有效和明显的效果
- 成功见证
- 在皮肤科的监督下测试
- 经过临床验证

ENZSERUM Trim your fat & Shape your body


Trim your fat & Shape your body

ENZSERUM is designed to give you a feminine appeal by offering a comprehensive slimming action: activates microcirculation, prevents the formation of fat deposited on topical body, reduces odema and lightens cellulite. This outstanding slimming serum consists of potent and powerful active ingredients, including Nano Tech PEN Enzyme, collagen, caffeine, aescin, L-carnitine, vitamin E and a blend of herbal extracts for maximum slimming effect. In addition, ENZSERUM has utilised the most advanced technology to minimise those ingredients in a smaller size – nanotechnology. With this perfect match, ENZSERUM not only effectively slimming down your body, it also solves various skin problems such as cellulite appearance and water retention. Besides this, it is also moisturises, smoothes, and makes the skin more elastic.

The features of ENZSERUM:
With better absorption
With advanced nanotechnology
Effective & visible results

2合1 纤体疗程


1. 减少你的脂肪

2. 塑造你的身体



2 in 1 slimming treatment

2 in 1 slimming treatment

1. Trim your fat
Intensely stimulates the fat burning process and effectively combats cellulite.

2. Shape your body
Slim the silhouette and models waist, arms, thighs and buttocks.

Effects of application:

• The circumference of arms, thighs and buttocks reduced.
• Body mass reduced.
• The appearance of cellulite diminished.
• The moisture, firmness and elasticity of the skin improved.